Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Apple iOS still beats Android thanks to iPad: studies

Despite Android being the most popular OS for smartphones in the U.S., Apple's iOS still has a larger audience thanks to the immense popularity of the iPad tablet according to new studies.

According to a new study released by comScore, Apple's iOS, which is available on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, was used by 37.9 million people, compared to the 23.8 million using Android devices. A large part of this success can be attributed to the popularity of the iPhone, however it is greatly bolstered by the iPad and the iPod touch. Android has been very successful in the smartphone arena, but it still has yet to make a dent in the tablet market that is dominated by Apple.

"Publishers, developers and advertisers are trying to understand how to reach audiences, and the study shows that users are using a range of devices," said Mark Donovan, the senior vice president of mobile at comScore. The study also revealed that iPad owners are more likely to own an iPhone than an Android or BlackBerry smartphone.

Developers can use this knowledge to determine the best platform for their applications to reach the widest audience. According to the studies, they should be looking at multiple devices rather than solely developing for one. ComScore's conclusions were based on a survey of 30,000 people with mobile devices, conducted over three months from December 2010 to February 2011

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